7th National JACIE meeting day

Hof ter Musschen, Brussels


Hof ter Musschen
Av. Emmanuel Mounierlaan, 2


29 November 2019

This event has finished

The Belgian Hematology Society (BHS) organizes the 7th NATIONAL JACIE MEETING DAY on November 29TH 2019

During this meeting presentations will be given about the current status of the JACIE process in Europe and Belgium, the role of JACIE in accreditation of immune effector cell therapy (CAR-T cells) programmes and risk assessment of procedures and processes in SCT centers.

In addition a round table discussion will be organized to exchange personal experiences and to discuss about specific problems in relation to the JACIE quality system. The target audience includes clinical program directors, nurses, physicians, laboratory and collection facility directors,
laboratory technicians, quality managers, pharmacists, data managers and other staff members that are involved or interested in the JACIE process.


Hof ter Musschen 
Av. Emmanuel Mounierlaan, 2


Chairs: Dominique Dominique Latinne (JACIE Accreditation Committee/inspector/UCL Brussels)
Victoria Bordon (JACIE inspector/standard review committee-UGent)

9:30   Registration and coffee 

10:00 Welcome - Ivan Van Riet (National JACIE representative)

10:05 Up-date JACIE project in Europe  
           Raquel Espada (JACIE-Barcelona, Spain)

10:30 Risk assessment in stem cell bank processes 
           Jessy Lardon (ZNA-Stuyvenberg-Antwerp)/Franky Sinap (UZ Leuven)

11:00 Coffee break 

11:30 Risk assessment and outcome analysis in clinical transplantation programmes 

           • “Opportunities for improvement”
              Yvonne Westerman (St-Antonius ziekenhuis Niewegein-The Netherlands)

         •  “A case example questioning Blood and PBSC Hepatitis E screening”
            Marc Bourgeois (CHU-UCL- Namur)

12:10 JACIE and accreditation for immune effector cell therapy 

          • Eoin McGrath (JACIE-Barcelona, Spain)

12:30 Lunch 

13:30 Group discussion 

           Moderated by national JACIE inspectors

15:00 Conclusions and closure