This event has finished
The complete scientific program can be found here
Slides from invited speakers
Introduction - Yves Beguin (president BHS)
Stem cells, blood cells and the origin of hematological malignancies - A. Sonet (UCL Mont-Godinne)
Acute myeloid leukemia - D. Breems (ZNA Antwerp)
Normal life after hematological malignancy - Y. Libert (Institut Bordet) - text summary
Janssen symposium:
Important steps in clinical research - D. Gillé (Janssen)
Importance of clinical trials in hospitals - M. André (UCL Mont-Godinne)
Organization of clinical trials in hospitals, the nurses' role - T. November (UZ Leuven)
A nurse group: the point of view of the EBMT - E. Wallhult (Denmark)
Febrile Neutropenia - The medical perspective - J. Maertens (UZ Leuven)
Febrile Neutropenia - The nursing perspective - J. Demunter (UZ Gent)