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Nurses Program 2013 Poster Nurse Program 2013
Late effects after hematopoietic cell transplantation
Medical aspects - T. Kerre, Gent
Nursing aspects - J. Fortunato, Liège
Sexuality in hematological patients
Medical aspects - L. Jennart, Charleroi
Fertility and cryopreservation by hematological patients - I. Demeestere, Brussels
Nursing and/or psychological aspects - M. Quaghebeur & J. De Munter, Gent Special highlights on MDS
Medical aspects - J. Caers, Liège
Nursing aspects - C. Baiana, Yvoir
A patient support group in Brugge
Testimony on the start-up of the group - V. Pröckl, Brugge
Testimony on the follow-up of the group until now - G. De Ryckere
Too old for intensive therapy? Satellite sponsored by Roche
Why do we treat the elderly cancer patient and how do we asses him? - H. Wildiers, Leuven
& C. Kenis, Leuven
Geriatric Hemato-Oncology: a challenge for today and the future! - M. Maerevoet, Brussels
Pain management in the context of technical interventions in pediatric and adult hematological patients
Pain management in the adult setting -I Goblet, Charleroi
An intervention in the pediatric setting: even not painful? - S. Devaux & J. Allard, Brussels
Pain for the ones, suffering for the others - B. Plehiers, Mons