PACE award

The BHS PACE award has been made possible with unrestricted grants from the industry to support the optimisation of care for patients with blood disorders.

Project submission for the "PACE Award: PAtient CEntricity" 2025 will OPEN ON 17 June 2024!

Consult the PACE Awards flyer

Application deadline: Monday, 9 December (midgnight CET)

The “PACE Award” jury will select 1 or 2 innovative projects on the optimisation of care for patients with blood disorders, which will be granted with a prize of up to 20.000 EUR.  

The award ceremony will take place during 40th BHS general annual meeting on February 7-8, 2025. Discover the past PACE AWARD winners down below! 

Prof. Marc André, President of the BHS


Who can apply?

The candidate must fulfill all criteria below:  

The BHS encourages projects that:

Which projects are eligible?

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be informed non-selected projects from previous years may be resubmitted if they meet the eligibility criteria.

Evaluation criteria:

Application requirements

The application must preferably be written in English** and must consist of :

* templates are available in the online submission tool

** applications in French or Dutch are acceptable, but the abstract/summary must be in English

The full SOP PACE Award (including guidelines, terms and conditions) can be consulted here: 

SOP PACE Award .pdf

PACE Award

A total cash prize award of 20.000 euros will be given to a maximum of 2 winners:

10.000 euros each, or 

1st Prize: 15.000 euros and 2nd Prize: 5.000 euros

Please note, the prize money cannot be allocated to fund a salary, but it can cover activity and material costs.
The results of the PACE Award will be announced during the 2025 General Annual Meeting of the BHS.


Past winners


Winners  Projects 
François Dachy, CHU UCL Namur, site Godinne

Multidisciplinary care pathway and connected monitoring for allograft patients.

Marijke Quaghebeur, UZ Gent
Development of an Educational Motion Comic for Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Comprehensive Project Description.


Koen Theunissen,  Jessa Hospital
Customized educative children’s book covering a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Martin Colard,  HUB - Hôpital Erasme - ULB Development of an interactive smartphone app to improve multidisciplinary care for patients with sickle cell disease and other congenital hemoglobinopathies


Winner Project
Benjamin Depoorter, Jules Bordet Institute
Multidisciplinary approach of drug-induced polyneuropathic pain in multiple myeloma patients
Sarah Deuss, UZ Brussel
Development of diet guidelines for the immunosuppressed patient inspired by modern foodculture


Winner Project
H. Schoemans, UZ Leuven
SMILe project
(SteM Cell TransplantatIon faciLitated by eHealth Technology)

S. Servais, CHU Liège

A personalized and illustrated roadmap notebook for children after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation


A. Janssens, UZ Leuven
C. Vierst, CHU Namur site Godinne


S. Michiels, Institut Jules Bordet
K. Saevels, UZA


B. Balci, Institut Jules Bordet
J. De Munter, University Hospital Ghent